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After painting glass blistering heat causes and so
Published: 2013/7/13   Read:3548 times

Glass paint blistering heat is mainly due to:

1, the coating in contact with water or exposed to high temperature environments;

2, the solvent evaporation is too fast, the high viscosity of the coating;

3, mixing of the gas is not mixed with the release coating to make the coating;

4, the coating will automatically break down some solid substances emit gases, impervious coating and blistering.

High-temperature glass painting solution:

1, Do not paint in construction in contact with water, do not dry the coating should avoid prolonged exposure to high humidity environments;

2, the use of solvents and thinners matching, paint viscosity to be adjusted moderate;

3, preferably an alcohol solvent and anti-foaming additives added.

4, after stirring the paint should be cured by a certain time after the construction.

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